Why do I need DSM?

Tutorial Breakdown

Building and managing a true design system over the long term requires a solution that includes version control, roles and permissions, documentation, and production-ready code.

That’s why we redesigned InVision Design System Manager with an even deeper appreciation for maker and user workflows. The new experience empowers teams like yours to build, evolve, and scale with even greater creativity and speed.

InVision DSM allows you to create a single source of truth to keep your entire team empowered to design consistently and iterate quickly.


When teams work in silos, creating digital products that customers love, at a competitive pace, can be a challenge.

Building and managing a true design system over the long term requires a solution that includes version control, roles and permissions, documentation, and production-ready code.

That’s why we redesigned InVision Design System Manager with an even deeper appreciation for maker and user workflows. The new experience empowers teams like yours to build, evolve, and scale with even greater creativity and speed.

InVision DSM allows you to create a single source of truth to keep your entire team empowered to design consistently and iterate quickly.

You create as many design systems as you need — for example, you can create one for your brand, one specifically for iOS components, and one for Android components.

You can create your first design system from the web, or from the DSM Sketch plugin. We’ll take a look at the Sketch plugin in the next video — let’s start on the web.

To create your first design system, head to invisionapp.com and log in — then choose DSM from the top navigation bar. The first time you access DSM, you’ll assign a name to your DSM Organization — and then create your first design system.

When creating a new design system, you can decide if everyone in your organization will have access – or only people who have been invited. We’ll take a closer look at the power and flexibility of design system permissions in a later video.

Give your design system a name — then, optionally add a thumbnail image and description — and click create.

You’ll find yourself in the web view for your design system — which we’ll take a closer look at shortly.

Next, let’s look at how to get your design system populated with content.

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